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D.J. Frank Bradley
Analie Speaking
-2001Ye Olde Newsletter excerpt:
Not much more than passing mention is ever given to Analie,  who was Hot Mo's "other half" for the last several years of his "public life". What was the story on this mysterious woman who held such a strong influence over Mont for such a long time?
Gleaning through Mont's two books & several of his other writings, as well as articles from the time period, a conflicting picture of this woman emerges. First impressions would be that she was sort of a Spinal Tap character not much different from the meddling girlfriend who practically dismantled the band by taking over the management reigns (in "This is Spinal Tap" the movie).

True, Analie did control certain aspects of Mont's business dealings in the industry, & true, she was resented by most of the other band members for her meddling . And, true, she was somewhat the new-age girl with her meta-physical beliefs which brought about the 'Really Bad Mood Neck Rings'. These were a terrible financial failure for the fledgling HotMoCo manufacturing company.

Analie unfortunately does fit the classic Yoko-Ono profile. But certainly some good must have come from their relationship. According to writings from the final days (during the recording of 'Expulsive Anality' in Macon in '77), Hot gave Analie retro-active publishing rights as a full co-writer on some of his best material. These songs included 'Mont-tana' from the Mont Rushmore album  & 'Wolf Wagon Boogie' from the "Fuel"  album as well as several other beloved tunes. This enraged & alienated the band members who never received any writing credit on any albums.

Some critics blame Analie for the disappearance of Mont in 1977 & point to the uncredited songwriting mentioned in Mont's writings as a catalyst. But no one close remembers a rift in the relationship at the time of the disappearance.
One positive would be her opposition to the 'Combat Tea Set' product from HotMoCo, which turned out to be nothing but a horrible legal mess.   (The slogan for the exploding teaset was "Even in the heat of battle, one should always be civilized"!!

Analie was actually very active in politics just as Mont was.  She shared his conservative values for the nation regardless of her new-age-sea-salt personal beliefs. As Mont's ultra-conservative books were released, liberalism was flourishing in America. He had no  Limbaugh or Boortz to rally support for  his cause at that lonely time period.  As a lone wolf wagon, Mont  was surely seen as a threat to the 'powers that be' … and, consequently, so was Analie.

So... once again we come to the late summer of 1977. Not exactly a major cultural milestone, but definitely the 'end of an era' for many loyal fans & followers of Hot Moth. Analie vanished from the public view even more completely than Mont himself. Although a few of the products of the HotMoCo (including Analie's 'Really Bad Mood Neck Rings') continued to be unsuccessfully marketed by the company until 1980, most radar screens throughout the world went blank on that fateful day in August 1977.

There are reputed to be several important writings  from Analie (as well as the rumored prophetic dream manuscripts of Mont) which may in time emerge from the ruins of the fire-ravaged  Georgia recording studio where the last known glimpses of both Monti & Analie were. We can only hope that these writings will clear up more of the questions.
-D.J. Bradley
(D.J  Frank Bradley is a radio disk jockey on WRST: The WRST FM.)