Harry P. Peters (a.k.a. Dr.
Anhav DuFwinque) was recently
arrested and booked by the metropolitan Wattsburg, Pa police for
alleged panhandling, petty theft , impersonating a
celebrity, and attempting to sell
marijuana to a minor. These charges were eventually dropped when
another similar looking man (Neil Knadsaak) came forward to admit his guilt in
all of the crimes except the impersonation charge.
But, as the booking &
investigation were taking place, a lot of other lies were
exposed. The arrested man's name is actually Harry P.
Peters, and he holds no doctorate degree of any kind. The
man we've all admired for his diligence in restoring Hot
Mont audio works is now in a state of destitution,
virtually living in a tool shed behind a Lowville,Pa
department store.
Many of us wondered what had happened to
the long-promised recordings. Apparently, the Everhard
Pencil Company near Latrobe, Pa shut it's doors in late
2002, leaving Peters with no work, no home & no place to
run his "audio restoration lab". He bounced around western
Pennsylvania for the next year or so, performing a bang-up
Elvis impersonation at karaoke bars & finally landing a
shelf-stocking job at the new Shattco Superstore not far
outside of Erie, Pa.
(picture to left
shows DuFwinque impersonating Elvis at the local Patty
O'Malligan's Irish Pizza Bar in Colt Station. This is one
of his techniques for raising donations through tips) |
Peters has been soliciting donations through religious &
other organizations, and panhandling to try to keep his restoration dream alive, but has had very little luck
so far. Recently, the venerable HMS2000 Society (a non-profit
group that works to preserve the works of Hot Mont and other
now-obscure artists) was able to raise enough money to retrieve
some of the electronic gear through
a modest payment to the ex-owner of the Everhard Pencil Company.
This gear was recently set up in Peters' tool shed behind Shattco,
in the hopes that he will be able to continue his work now
that the warm weather is upon us. As a long-time follower, fan &
chronicler of Hot Mont, my vote is that we give Peters a chance
to redeem himself. This music needs to be restored regardless of
the personal issues that Peters may be dealing with. Most of us
would probably even be willing to refer to him once again as Dr. DuFwinque. (sort of a honorary degree much as celebrities are
sometimes given). This may encourage this downtrodden person to
lift himself back up and get to work again on the restoration!
As a somewhat quirky but basically honest individual,
DuFwinque would most surely be more resilient if he believes
that we still believe.
Bill Del Rumple 7-9-04
(just a footnote: one of DuFwinque's recent
Elvis tribute performances was attended by none other than
Wyan Lantz, the producer of most of Hot Mont's biggest
selling records.) |