Just when you thought that all of the Hot
Mont writings & recordings must have already been unearthed, a
discovery in a studio near Hamburg, Germany lends another life
chapter to the
"Man of Mystery" : Perpetual
Picture this
scenario: In late 1976 or early 1977 Hot Mont is enlisted by a
conservative group of American economists to travel to Germany to
give a series of lectures at several prominent universities. The
gist of these lectures is geared at trying to prevent a serious
socialistic shift in the German national attitude. Hot Mont's
Germanic heritage only increases his passion about this issue, and
he agrees to go. (This much was already
documented fact in America)
At a
conference in Hannover, Hot Mont is approached by music producer
Herman P. Wassell, who, it turns out is a huge fan of eclectic
American rock (including our hero's music!). The two men also share
a love of German brews and "kartuffel salat" (potato salad) &
decide to go to a local biergarten to imbibe &
consuming multiple brews & prodigious amounts of potato
salad, the idea of a possible collaboration on a
"Kraftwerk-esque" album is conceived in what was reported as a
dense fog of flatulence & beer burps.
through this all-encompassing haze, enter one Gilda Pilfner,
one of Hannover's premier "synthesists" as well as a hot
looking chick! She's just the person to bring this crazy plan
to fruition. After clearing the air a bit, the three unlikely
partners decide to "cut" an album of what they term
"synth-tech" music. This
would be another groundbreaking style change for Mont, but is
familiar territory to Wassel & Pilfner who had worked with
several other notable European "electronic" bands over the
preceding couple of years. |
Intro" cover  |
After a few
days of banging around ideas, time is booked at a studio just
outside of Hamburg, and recording begins.
drummer & percussionist Curt Von Stuben is brought in to handle
all of the rhythmic parts (except, of course, cowbell). But, in only
a few short days, electronic legends "Kraftwerk" block book the same
studio for 3 months straight. Mont & company are devastated by
this turn of events, and relinquish the studio to the high-budget
But before
all appears lost, they find that engineer Helmut Smidge had run an
"acetate" of some good working mixes of songs that had been
completed during the short session. (An acetate is a "shellac" test
version of what would have later become the "vinyl" 12" record. They
sound great the first time or two they're played, but quickly
deteriorate as the needle chews up the soft recording
Back of LP cover artwork: 
Song title translation
Platter Pulsation
Wing Tipped Wizard
Water Dripping
One Long
brings us to today: April 2002. Guess what? Seems that someone
has turned up that very acetate along with some
of the cover graphics for the intended release "Perpetual
Intro". The acetate is apparently in fairly good
condition. Obviously, it can't be played until right at the
moment that it is transferred to 24 bit digital audio. It must
happen on that first pass, or the quality may degrade too
when you thought it was all out in the open, another amazing
development like this occurs! The acetate has been sent to a
lab in Pennsylvania for transfer. I'll be keeping tabs on the
progress & reporting any new news.
The HMS2000 will be privy to any
developments in this transfer, and will be posting MP3s of the
final product when Dr. DuFwinque completes the transfer &
re-mastering. Stay tuned!-
R.Karoakan/HMS2000 |