(more recent selected articles from
Hot Mont and band on Arctic Circle Tour , Shattco
, Perpetual Intro: German techno album , "Dr DuFwinque is a Quack" and more

This is page 2 of articles on Mont.
Click below to jump to an article:
"This (the
Hot Ta-Mont-Le) album is destined to be Mont's biggest seller yet.
We are totally behind this album!"
-Les "Sniff" Brown / Sniff Brown Records
"Move over
Tito, step back Carlos, make way Sergio 'cuz El Monte Caliente is
comin' on strong with his own flavor of Latin music!"
-Bill Baulgruber
WRST -TV / Tidioute, Pa.
"The "HOT
TA-MONT-LE" soundtrack is extremely exciting... if anyone finds it,
it should well prove Hot is at the avant-garde of this genre (as
well as many others). To me the sound is as if Sergio Mendez had
dived head first in to a stream of Deep Purple... an excellent blend
of sounds to capture a new interest in the ever-changing fickleness
of the 70's music..."
-Malcolm Drie / Rolling Rock
boggling' is the only description for this latest incarnation of the
ever-re-inventing Hot Mont. First he's a Dylan-esque rocker, then a
"big band" leader....now he's the 'king of Salsa music'! And this
stuff is totally legitimate, with every bit as much energy and
authenticity as the first Santana albums. A great combination of
true Latin music fused with heavy American/British rock. Although
he's not the first to do this particular fusion of styles, he's
still throwing us older fans another curve ball on this !
-Cal Worthing / Rock EaterMag
"I put on
this latest piece of vinyl by the Hot One with a bit of
apprehension. After the last fiasco with the big band era "Cool
Cats", I didn't feel like sitting through more "stylized"
formula-ridden music . Obviously, I didn't care for the that album.
Was this to be more nostalgia crap? No Way, Jose! This album rocks.
From the opening bell, it's back to the rockin' we all love Hot for.
Blend in Uriah Heep, Santana, Deep Purple, maybe just a little
Antonio Carlos Jobim & that's what you'll get here. Welcome back
to the rock world, Hot!"
Wenderson |

by Bill Del Rumple /
Is this a
picture of four prospecters from the north of Canada? Look
more closely & you will recognize the original Hot Mont
band member line-up from the seventies! But what are these
guys doing in Whitehorse,Yukon? Read on to find
out. |

After receiving this e-mail report
from one of our magazine's contributers C.P. Roth, esq. who is
vacationing in the Yukon, I decided to investigate:
"Okay, kids, here's the scoop!! Mont's
original lineup appeared Thursday night at a small eskimo bar
near Moosejaw, that's in Canada by the way. Pictures from this
& other shows have been smuggled out of the Great White
North & will appear on webpages within a short trime. Mont
has stated in interviews that he is doing an "Arctic Circle
Tour" this summer. The reason for all of this is that nobody
knows who the hell he really is up here, & if all goes
well...he may bring the band south. I'll tell ya boys &
girls, these guys can still rock the casbah, er, igloo that
is! Stay tuned for more"
-C.P. |

Astounding as it may seem, the original band
line-up (minus the horn section) is actually touring in of all
places..... Northern Canada! A tourist entertainment paper in
Whitehorse, Yukon featured an extended interview with Mont last
week. Here are excerpts:
YR: What
brings you & your band way up here from the U.S?
HM: We
figured that no one who remembered us would ever be here!
YR: I know of
you from browsing the web. Are you in trouble with the law?
HM: No, not
at all..we just wanted a place to get the band "tight" You said that
you have never heard of us except on the web, but we had a huge cult
following in several countries during the seventies. There has been
an upwelling of interest in the band recently, so we figured it may
be time to put it back together.
Slim Boggins:
(guitarist): Let me add to that. Mont has been incognito for over
two decades. Even the rest of us guys in the band didn't hear from
him. This was the shock of a lifetime.
YR: So, you
hadn't seen each other for more than twenty years? What have all of
you been doing during that time?
Slim: Well,
when Mont vanished in '77, I was pretty strung out on drugs. I'm
clean now, by the way, have been for fifteen years. In those days, I
loved a song by Frank Zappa called "Montana". It told about a guy
leaving the rat race to raise up dental floss. So, that's what I
tried. I moved out to Montana, bought some land & started
raising dental floss. It didn't work out with the floss, but I still
have a small ranch out there near Boseman.
Laugerhead: (keyboardist) I've been working in retail shoe sales
& playing music on the side since '77. I even played in a Hot
Mont tribute band in Ohio for a while...pretty ironic for a founding
member to do a tribute to his own band!
B. C.
Whackerman: (drummer): When the band broke up, I had a tough
decision: to stay with music or follow my family military/law
enforcement traditions. I chose the latter & I've only started
playing again this year. I love being back out here on the road
H.M.: Local
& federal statutes may prohibit me from speaking of my
YR: What
happened to the horn section you all refer to?
H.M. I have
never heard from them. You know, the definition of an optimist is a
trombone player with a beeper. (laughs). Not a lot of call for four
piece trombone sections these days.
YR: Any plans
to record new material? And, on the same note, what's the story on
this "greatest hits" collection being remastered from scraps of
tape? Some guys in Pennsylvania are doing it?
H.M. As far
as recording new stuff, we're not to that point yet. We've gotta
decide if we're even gonna continue this touring down south when the
cold hits in September. This tour is over in late August, it get's
too cold for us ! As far as the guys in LaTrobe remastering my
stuff, I have never met them, but let them go for it . Sniff Brown
(Sniff Brown Records-Mont's label) is dead now, he's the only one
who would try to stop them.
More excerpts from this interview next
month.. gotta run -Bill Del

REE-DON-DELLO, formerly the leader of the Hawaiian Pineapples Rock Ensemble
finally emerges from the depths of the
South American jungle to grant this interview with Groovy Scene's
Tab Wenderson. |

G.S.: What
have you been doing for the last twenty-plus years?
R.R I've been
trying to keep my shit together. The failed tours in the seventies
really freaked me out.
G.S : Lots of
legit rock bands never have the opportunity to do a major tour, yet
they don't retreat to the wilds of South America.. Why the
extreme reaction to your unpopularity there ?
R.R : Once
you've toured with Hot Mont (who is the pinnacle of all legitimate
American pop culture to me) you'd understand how anything else seem
superfluous and anticlimactic! After our rejection by the Latin
audience here in South America, it was more than I could take. All
we ever wanted was a little piece of Hoot Mont's audience &
respect. We opened for him for 2 years in the states before
coming here to do the Tamontle tour. To be rejected by the same
people that adored Hot Mont was devastating to us as a band and even
worse for me as the leader .
G.S. Keeping
that rejection in mind, why would you retreat to the same place that
had rejected you?
R.R Well, if
you knew anything about the Don't Give Me No Shit Twins, you
wouldn't have to ask. I'm one of those twins and it was no
G.S. I've
heard rumors of this cult or whatever it is, but thought it was just
R.R. Nope;
we're the real McCoy! My brother & I can no more tolerate
critical rejection by an entire continent than we could stand by and
let someone pour out a perfectly good can of Pabst Blue Ribbon!
Anything important like that is worth fighting for as a
principle…you can't waste great beer & you can't dislike
my music, damn it! I had to come here to settle this at the source.
It's in my blood not to give in to anyone, to fight till no one is
left standing!
Including you?
R.R. Of
Here's a promo shot of the band in
1975 with Ree-Don-Dello wearing his trademark
" pineapple
>>> |
G.S.: What
was your biggest selling single?
R.R: That
would have to be "Steel Jock Strap" from the "Hawaiian Pumice Rock"
album. It was a song that played on bar room jukeboxes & helped
us sell a few extra "Pumice" albums off the stage.
G.S.: To what
do you attribute your dismal response by Latin American audiences
R.R : The
timing mostly. Pineapple membership became as large as a 27 piece
horn & string rock band, doing something that was revolutionary
for the U.S. in the early seventies, but maybe it appeared just too
strange to Latin American people. The fact that a lot of band
members were not musicians may have come into play, as the actual
music was a little rough. We've been compared to Captain Beefheart
in several articles.
G.S: I'd
compare you more to early Aqueous Digit or maybe even Mel Maas
Psychedelic Combo…. but with the addition of incredibly bad horns
& strings.
R.R. : Don't
give me no shit!
G.S.: Is it
possible that The Pineapples didn't survive the Tamontle Tour
because they were just too lousy?
R.R.: By god,
now I'm startin' to bow up! You better watch yourself. There aren't
many people who can outrun us D.G.M.N.S. Twins!
G.S.: I'm
festered up to a fever-pitch myself. Step back, we're gonna
R.R: I'm just
about to delve into your ass, don't piss me off any
At this point, a major round of fisticuffs
erupted, bringing this interview to a halt, and dashing any
hope of any subsequent interviews with this strange character.
Listen to the Hawaiian Pineapples for yourself; I'm sure
you'll agree they were the worst band ever to land a major opening
act slot in history of rock'n roll. The first Pineapple album is
available on vinyl or eight track only from www.rottenrecords.net

Just when you thought that all of the Hot
Mont writings & recordings must have already been unearthed, a
discovery in a studio near Hamburg, Germany lends another life
chapter to the
"Man of Mystery" : Perpetual
Intro |
This is a reproduction of an article from
"El Petite Filipino Magazine" dated 4/13/02 & written by German
correspondent Reinholt Burgermeister (obvious pen name). Some
HMS2000 editing comments have been interjected. These comments
appear in blue italics.
-Regelia Karaokan for
HMS2000 |
Picture this
scenario: In late 1976 or early 1977 Hot Mont is enlisted by a
conservative group of American economists to travel to Germany to
give a series of lectures at several prominent universities. The
gist of these lectures is geared at trying to prevent a serious
socialistic shift in the German national attitude. Hot Mont's
Germanic heritage only increases his passion about this issue, and
he agrees to go. (This much was already
documented fact in America)
At a
conference in Hannover, Hot Mont is approached by music producer
Herman P. Wassell, who, it turns out is a huge fan of eclectic
American rock (including our hero's music!). The two men also
share a love of German brews and kartuffel salat (potato salad) &
decide to go to a local biergarten to imbibe &
consuming multiple brews & prodigious amounts of potato
salad, the idea of a possible collaboration on a Kraftwerk-esque album is conceived in what was reported as a
dense fog of flatulence & beer burps.
through this all-encompassing haze, enter one Gilda Pilfner,
one of Hannover's premier synthesists as well as a hot
looking chick! She's just the person to bring this crazy plan
to fruition. After clearing the air a bit, the three unlikely
partners decide to "cut" an album of what they term
"synth-tech" music. This
would be another groundbreaking style change for Mont, but is
familiar territory to Wassel & Pilfner who had worked with
several other notable European "electronic" bands over the
preceding couple of years. |
Intro" cover
After a few
days of banging around ideas, time is booked at a studio just
outside of Hamburg, and recording begins.
drummer & percussionist Curt Von Stuben is brought in to handle
all of the rhythmic parts (except, of course, cowbell). But, in
only a few short days, electronic legends Kraftwerk block book the same
studio for 3 months straight. Mont & company are devastated by
this turn of events, and relinquish the studio to the high-budget
But before
all appears lost, they find that engineer Helmut Smidge had run an
acetate of some good working mixes of songs that had been
completed during the short session. (An acetate is a shellac test
version of what would have later become the vinyl 12" record. They
sound great the first time or two they're played, but quickly
deteriorate as the needle chews up the soft recording
Back of LP cover artwork:

Song title translation
Platter Pulsation
Wing Tipped Wizard
Water Dripping
One Long
brings us to today: April 2002. Guess what? Seems that someone
has turned up that very acetate along with some
of the cover graphics for the intended release 'Perpetual
Intro'. The acetate is apparently in fairly good
condition. Obviously, it can't be played until right at the
moment that it is transferred to 24 bit digital audio. It must
happen on that first pass, or the quality may degrade too
when you thought it was all out in the open, another amazing
development like this occurs! The acetate has been sent to a
lab in Pennsylvania for transfer. I'll be keeping tabs on the
progress & reporting any new news.
The HMS2000 will be privy to any
developments in this transfer, and will be posting MP3s of the
final product when Dr. DuFwinque completes the transfer &
re-mastering. Stay tuned!-
R.Karoakan/HMS2000 |
Rhineholt Pierpont Burgermeister III, esq.
The Hot Mont Society 2000 has unearthed
even more product released by the ill-fated company
'HoMoCo', a company that Hot Mont's financial advisors
started .
(This all
appears to have taken place in the early 1980's-
editor). |
Rhineholt P.
Burgermeister III
is a
"regular" columnist for the "Groovy Scene Magazine"

Some of the already chronicled products released
in South America were the notorious 'Combat
Teaset', which had small gunpowder charges built
into the handle & injured many people, along with the
'Bad Mood Neck Rings'…plastic 'mini-hula-hoops' that had no more ability to assess
someone's mood than to bring about world peace. Not to
mention 'The Hot Mont Cafe'
The latest crop of HoMoCo products unearthed
comes from Deutschland. These were discovered
while HMS2000 investigators were digging up info on the
alleged techno album called
Intro” that Mont & several
Not only
did they verify the album's existence (at least in unreleased
form), but also stumbled onto a sort of “mini-cult” built
around another horrible HoMoCo product line that was
originally intended to be marketed to Americans who planned to
travel in Europe.
This line of products was old stock bought up by Homoco from a company called Shattco, headed up
by eccentric Naples, Florida entreprenuer William
The product line was originally sold at Shatt's
fledgling novelty store chain in Florida, (some
long-time Floridians may remember the stores' slogan
& radio jingle: "Shattco: "Only Things People
These products dealt with the disposal of the
rather “socially unacceptable” by-product: bodily waste.
Using their chronic lack of worldly wisdom, the
“powers-that-be” at Shattco decided that most European
countries were still living on the dark ages
where second floor |
balconies on narrow streets served as dump offs
for chamber pots (often on passerby's heads). In other words, Shattco , and later, HoMoCo decided that they didn't have
plumbing in Europe yet!
So, to
service this misperceived need, they invented and marketed a
line of products which would allow you to “relieve yourself”
pretty much anywhere, anytime.This line was collectively
called 'The Shatt Pack'. And consisted of The Shatt
Mat', 'The Shitt Mitt' and 'The Shatt-
Back- Pack'. A later released addition to the product line
was called 'Snout-Grout'., as well as development on
another even more ridiculous product called 'Some Sort of
Butt Putty'. The actual purpose of this product is
Germans found this whole product line so amusing that several
alternative papers there ran hilarious hoax ads. In next
month's article we'll print some of these hoax ads (complete
with the original German to English translations, which
only add to the humor!).
for more
Shattco, click here
-Rhineholt Pierpont Burgermeister III,
esq. |

It's official! "The Bones of
Contention" are back. After years of obscurity, this four piece
trombone section (of 1970's Hot Mont touring acclaim) is
claiming their rightful place as the bone's boniest ensemble...er,
the bonist's best boners...er...whatever!
venerable ensemble has been getting beaucoup work in South
Florida studios...especially those that cater to the more mature
set. Rumor has it that work is so brisk that leader Martin
O'Bonian has actually gotten a new pager!
Not only are the B.O.C. boys adding their blast-o-magic to many
artist's cds (including B.B. Dogg); they are now beginning a
series of theme- based cds featuring, of course, the trombone. |
The first of these, which
is currently in production is titled "Blow It Out Yo' Butt" and
showcases all rap & hip-hop songs. This concept album is destined to
put the trombone back in mainstream pop. "The Bones" have
enthusiastic major label backing and consequently, the record will
feature several heavy weights including rappers Tone Def, Ice Cold
Chill, and even d.j. Rupert Snap Dogg.
Although the current
studio location is strictly hush-hush, there are a couple of pirated
moments from sessions that will be available soon. Locating the
studio shouldn't be too hard. As always, wherever the 'Bones play
their music, many dogs are howling outside the doors! 2-26-05 |

Hot Mont has gone Nashville! Recently
unearthed by the HMS2000 are some country demos produced by the "Hot
One" in Music City.
Back in the late 1990s, Hot Mont, along with
countless other musicians, songwriters & producers had become
very discouraged with the hip-hop community's relentless and
blatent sampling of music from other genres. Hot Mont decided
to pull a flip -flop on the hip-hop community.

The idea was
to exact revenge on the hip-hop community's unchecked sampling by
taking some of rap's biggest selling songs & turning them into
traditional country arrangements.
Mont, when asked why he would put so much effort into such a project,
stated "As a tribute to all of the writers and artists who have been
sampled and not credited, I'd like to demonstrate to the hip-hop world
a little bit of the disrespect that they've shown toward all legit
forms of music...and in the course of doing so, create an interesting
album of traditional country for an upcoming artist. Of course, all of
the legitimate publishing & licensing laws will be followed".
While visiting his old band mate Slim Boggins at his floss ranch in
Montana in late 1997, Mont discovered an up-and -coming country singer
by the name of Clay Bacons. Said Hot Mont in an interview, "This guy
has the sound of real, traditional country and the modern look that
sells records today...his voice combined with my ingenious idea of
'reverse-hop'.. ..or 'hop-hip' is the ticket". Hot Mont has become a
music industry "Robin Hood" , as you will hear below.
Listen now to a couple of clips from the Clay Bacons album in MP3
DuFwinque, the alleged "world-renowned audio restoration expert"
working on the Hot Mont music restoration project has been exposed
as...a quack!
(picture to
left shows a seemingly angry Anhav DuFwinque in front of the
tool shed he now calls home)

Harry P. Peters (a.k.a. Dr.
Anhav DuFwinque) was recently arrested and booked by the
metropolitan Wattsburg, Pa police for alleged panhandling, petty
theft , impersonating a celebrity, and attempting to sell
marijuana to a minor. These charges were eventually dropped when
another similar looking man (Neil Knadsaak) came forward to admit
his guilt in all of the crimes except the impersonation charge.
But, as
the booking & investigation were taking place, a lot of other
lies were exposed. The arrested man's name is actually Harry
P. Peters, and he holds no doctorate degree of any kind. The
man we've all admired for his diligence in restoring Hot Mont
audio works is now in a state of destitution, virtually living
in a tool shed behind a Lowville,Pa department store.
Many of us wondered what had happened to the long-promised
recordings. Apparently, the Everhard Pencil Company near
Latrobe, Pa shut it's doors in late 2002, leaving Peters with
no work, no home & no place to run his "audio restoration
lab". He bounced around western Pennsylvania for the next year
or so, performing a bang-up Elvis impersonation at karaoke
bars & finally landing a shelf-stocking job at the new Shattco
Superstore not far outside of Erie, Pa.
(picture to left
shows DuFwinque impersonating Elvis at the local Patty
O'Malligan's Irish Pizza Bar in Colt Station. This is one of
his techniques for raising donations through tips)
Peters has been soliciting
donations through religious & other organizations, and panhandling
to try to keep his restoration dream alive, but has had very
little luck so far. Recently, the venerable HMS2000 Society (a
non-profit group that works to preserve the works of Hot Mont and
other now-obscure artists) was able to raise enough money to
retrieve some of the electronic gear through a modest payment to
the ex-owner of the Everhard Pencil Company.
This gear was recently set up in Peters' tool shed behind Shattco,
in the hopes that he will be able to continue his work now that
the warm weather is upon us. As a long-time follower, fan &
chronicler of Hot Mont, my vote is that we give Peters a chance to
redeem himself. This music needs to be restored regardless of the
personal issues that Peters may be dealing with. Most of us would
probably even be willing to refer to him once again as Dr.
DuFwinque. (sort of a honorary degree much as celebrities are
sometimes given). This may encourage this downtrodden person to
lift himself back up and get to work again on the restoration! As
a somewhat quirky but basically honest individual, DuFwinque would
most surely be more resilient if he believes that we still
Bill Del Rumple 7-9-04
(just a footnote: one of DuFwinque's recent Elvis tribute
performances was attended by none other than Wyan Lantz, the
producer of most of Hot Mont's biggest selling records.)
Hot Mont sighted at the finals of the
Chautauqua Idol Contest in Bemis Point, NY:

have been reporting for some time that Mont has relocated to the
'old stomping grounds' of his youth just outside Erie, Pa. This
report from the Phillipsville Zagette (regarding a sighting only a
few miles from the prestigious new HMS 2000 World Headquarters)
would seem to re-affirm that.
the evening of August 21, 2006 in Bemis Point, NY at the
finalist’s event of the Chautauqua Idol Contest sponsored by WWSE
Radio in Jamestown, NY, Hot was recognized despite his usual
precautions. One of the local potato salad vendors who is an avid
supporter of The Hot Mont Society and fan of The Hot One, has
heard rumblings that Mont could attempt to attend this
prestigious local talent program. With camera in hand, the crowd
was searched quietly so as not to tip his hand but, unfortunately
Hot was not located. As the program was ending and the crowds were
dispersing, Mont was sighted walking away from the crowd
reportedly holding his stomach."
Mont Is Again On The Prowl
For New Talent!
The sighting rumors are starting to fire up
again, just as they did in the original Revival Craze of 2000-2001

a perspective on possible reasons for Hot's return to the home
fires, we turn to musicologist Pete River's recent book "Bowin' Up
on Rock 'n Roll Myths":
artist & commentator Hot Moth (sic) was very discouraged by the
lukewarm response to his production of "reverse-hip-hop" artist
Clay Bacon back in 1999. His whereabouts since than have been as
sketchily reported as ever.
It is known that
Hot left guitarist Slim Boggin's floss ranch in Montana shortly
after the first Bacon single stalled (a country remake of Tag
Team's rap hit
"Whoomp-There it Is") near the
bottom of both the country & pop charts.>>>
It was soon after that time that sightings began to pop up in rural
parts of western NY state."
(note the unusual name for
the djs: The Goon Squad!)

Read now
several comments from prominent citizens attending the gala American
Idol event at Bemis Point:
"I'd know
those wing-tips anywhere...that's definitely Monti !"
-Nigel Tuffnelle, Shoe Salesman at Kinney's
Shoes & part-time rock star
"That boy
can run, but he can't hide forever" -Ralph Fece, retired
correctional officer from East Clintwood, Oh.
His amazing
appetite for potato salad gave him away, even with the excellent
disguise. He almost ate the entire supply
-D. Biggs, "World of Potato Salad" vendor at the event.
did, I did, I did see a Monti-Hot"
-chanted by several children
I haven't
heard from The Hot One since we pulled his "Whoomp" record from
regular rotation back in 1999 for legal reasons. If he's really at
this event, I'd like to apologize in person -Bill
Baulgruber, program director for WURST, (The WURST FM), and a
longtime supporter of Hot's music
Whoever the hell
he was, you could hardly get that fellow away from the Warsteiner
tent. Except every few minutes, he'd leave to wolf down more potato
salad next door . I wouldn't doubt he's got some god awful gas by
now -Sid Viscous , local dairy farmer |

(courtesy of WSUXX RADIO):